Ответственность за дезинформацию

People use social media as a main source of news and information, and bad actors want take advantage to mislead and suppress voters. Common Cause is responding in defense of our democracy.

Lies about elections and our democracy that spread online can have dangerous real-world consequences, from targeted voter suppression to the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

That is why Common Cause has launched our Information Accountability campaign, where we track and flag misleading content on social media around Election Day.

We educate voters by creating inoculation content that makes them resilient to disinformation. We also advocate for better policies and practices to create better online protections and fight disinformation.

Что мы делаем

Программа доступного подключения


Программа доступного подключения

От проверки статуса регистрации избирателя в режиме онлайн до поиска ближайшего избирательного участка — доступ в Интернет имеет решающее значение для активного участия в демократии.

Программа доступного подключения (ACP) помогает обеспечить каждому возможность выхода в Интернет.
No Fox Fee


No Fox Fee

Common Cause is urging cable companies to stop Fox News from raising our bills to pay for its election lies.

Принять меры

Share Your Story


Share Your Story

Help us hold media platforms and bad actors accountable! We are looking for stories about how election disinformation, internet access, and news sources impact how Americans participate in our democracy. Please respond to one or more of the following questions using this form. Have you or a loved one experienced Cyber Suppression? Has your content/ account every been banned/ suppressed/ suspended due to engaging in political topics? Do you suspect that your personal information (party...
Общее Дело
Sign Up As A Digital Democracy Activist


Sign Up As A Digital Democracy Activist

Are you interested in defending your community from cyber suppression? If so, you should become a Digital Activist!
Общее Дело
Поговорите о выборах

Поговорите о выборах

Используйте наш проверенный метод для эффективного обсуждения наших выборов. Общение с друзьями и семьей — самый эффективный способ снабдить избирателей информацией о выборах и навыками проверки информации.

Эти разговоры имеют большое значение, длятся долго, а также могут быть пугающими. Но слишком многое поставлено на карту, чтобы пропустить эти важные разговоры

Ваша финансовая поддержка помогает нам оказывать влияние привлечение власти к ответственности и укрепление демократии.


How We The People Stood Up to Online Election Lies

Запись в блоге

How We The People Stood Up to Online Election Lies

The effects of online disinformation on the 2022 midterm elections, reflections from the grassroots volunteers behind Common Cause’s Social Media Monitoring campaign, and how to get involved in the modern fight for democracy!


Highlights and Accomplishments From 2022


As a Matter of Fact: The Harms Caused by Election Disinformation Report

Donald Trump’s Big Lie is working, and we have to respond. Just as we came together last year, rising up to vote safely and securely in record numbers during a global pandemic, we must now rise up to stop election disinformation efforts in future elections.

Legal Filing

Complaint against foreign nationals buying election-related social media ads

Common Cause filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Election Commission (FEC), alleging that one or more unknown foreign nationals made expenditures, independent expenditures or disbursements in connection with the 2016 presidential election in violation of the Federal Election Campaign Act.

Legal Filing

Common Cause v. Russian Facebook Advertisers


FCC Urged to Amend Regulation to Account for False AI Content


FCC Urged to Amend Regulation to Account for False AI Content

Today, Common Cause, the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, United Church of Christ Media Justice Ministry, and a number of other concerned organizations, filed comments with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in a rulemaking urging the agency to address disclosure and transparency of artificial intelligence (AI)-generated content in political advertisements on the nation’s airwaves. The groups warn of the dangers posed by the new technology in an era when political disinformation is widespread and the public has...

SCOTUS Strikes Down Injunction Barring Contacts with Social Media Platforms on Disinformation


SCOTUS Strikes Down Injunction Barring Contacts with Social Media Platforms on Disinformation

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down an injunction barring the White House and other government agencies from communicating with and encouraging social media platforms to curb the spread of mis- and disinformation. The injunction also limited the government’s ability to communicate with civil society groups to limit disinformation online.

New York Times: New Group Joins the Political Fight Over Disinformation Online

Новостной клип

New York Times: New Group Joins the Political Fight Over Disinformation Online

“Disinformation will remain an issue as long as the strategic gains of engaging in it, promoting it and profiting from it outweigh consequences for spreading it,” Common Cause, the nonpartisan public interest group, wrote in a report published last week that warned of a new wave of disinformation around this year’s vote.



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