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The right to protest is fundamental to our democracy. Organized people power helped secure voting rights and equality for millions of Americans—but today that right is under attack by politicians who don't tolerate dissent.
Across the country, Americans protested against police brutality and racism after the murder of George Floyd and too many other Black Americans. But in response, many right-wing politicians have cracked down on our right to peacefully protest and dissent—including felony charges against non-violent protestors, targeting journalists who report critically on government officials, and even invitations to vigilantism.
Protecting dissent is vital, and we must speak up for our First Amendment rights to organize for justice and the values we believe in.
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Что такое Проект 2025?
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Навык медиаграмотности: латеральный поиск
Боковое чтение или боковой поиск — это стратегия, которая помогает нам самостоятельно определить, кто является достоверным источником информации.
Новостной клип
Reuters: Twitter plan to fight midterm misinformation falls short, voting rights experts say
“Pointing them to other sources isn’t enough,” he said.
«Общее дело» приветствует новые законопроекты о реформах, призванные усилить голоса американцев