
Net Neutrality

Americans rely on the internet to access the information necessary to pursue education, gain employment, receive healthcare, and get civically engaged in our democratic process.

Net Neutrality Means A Free and Open Internet for Everyone

Americans rely on the internet to access the information necessary to pursue education, gain employment, receive healthcare, and get civically engaged in our democratic process.

The open internet, or net neutrality, is the principle of online fairness. It enables everyone to share ideas, information and other content on the internet without throttling, censorship, or extra fees from big internet service providers.

Short Explainer Video On our Digital Civil Rights under Net Neutrality

An open internet – or net neutrality – is an important step for achieving digital democracy.

Since the repeal of net neutrality in 2017,  ISPs have been free to restrict access to online content, prioritize paid targeted advertisements, and sell your personal browsing data. Now the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has restored our internet protections! Net Neutrality provides Americans with key protections that ensure our right to information access is respected by our Internet Providers.

  1. No Blocking Access to Online Content
  2. No Slowing or Speeding Internet Access
  3. No Paid Prioritization Schemes

Simply put, net neutrality is the principle of open access to the internet.

It enables users to access the services they want without interference from their internet service provider (ISP).

In 2015, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) comprehensively codified net neutrality protections by using its authority under Title II of the Communications Act of 1934 to classify ISPs – like Comcast and AT&T – as common carriers. Under this approach, the FCC articulated three bright line rules that ISPs must adhere to: (1) no blocking content; (2) no speeding or slowing content; and (3) no engaging in paid prioritization schemes where customers could be charged special fees for improved access.

Everyone benefits from the open exchange of information that net neutrality affords, but these protections are particularly important for individuals and groups whose voices have historically been silenced or suppressed. The internet has been a powerful organizing tool of our time, allowing social justice movements to gain momentum and widespread support. Without net neutrality, ISPs will have the ability to censor or limit political speech online, threatening to stop movements like these in their tracks.

Common Cause Delivers Petition with 126,000 signatures to FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel

Ishan Mehta and Raelyn Roberson pose with FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel after she accepted the delivery.

Common Cause Media and Democracy Campaigner Raelyn Roberson delivers petition to FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel 2024

The Joint Petition delivered to the FCC Chairwoman.

“Thank you for your efforts in this 7 year long fight to restore net neutrality.

Advocates across the country have joined this fight, and we have included over 126,000 signatures attached to this email who support and celebrate the return of our online rights and protections.

Americans rely on the internet to access the information necessary to pursue education, gain employment, receive healthcare, and get civically engaged in our democratic process. The open internet enables everyone to share ideas, information and other content on the internet without throttling, censorship, or extra fees from big internet service providers.

We appreciate the work and celebrate this victory for our civil liberties!

Thank you,

@Advocacy, Common Cause, Daily Kos, Friends of the Earth Action, and RootsAction”


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