
Common Cause Urges Congress to Include 7 Criteria in Next Government Funding Bill

Common Cause urges Congress to uphold democracy in the next government funding bill by enforcing the rule of law, protecting judicial independence, and ensuring executive accountability.

Common Cause is urging Congress to include seven key principles in the next government funding bill to uphold democracy, the rule of law, and congressional oversight. These principles include enforcing court decisions, protecting an independent judiciary, ensuring executive compliance with subpoenas, and preventing unlawful impoundment of funds.

Failing to uphold these standards sets a dangerous precedent, weakening constitutional checks and balances. With over 1.5 million members, we  emphasize that Congress must assert its authority to safeguard democratic institutions and protect essential public services.

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Common Cause Urges Congress to Include 7 Criteria in Next Government Funding Bill

Common Cause urges Congress to uphold democracy in the next government funding bill by enforcing the rule of law, protecting judicial independence, and ensuring executive accountability.


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