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8 Things to Do If You Are Outraged at the Impeachment Trial

It looks like the Senate will acquit Trump after blocking witnesses, but there are still things we can do to reform our democracy.

We The People demanded a fair trial and what we got was a cover-up. 

However, this is not the time to stand down. It’s now our job as voters to hold those in power accountable because We The People are the ultimate power. Even as the Senate failed us and their oath of office, the ultimate power in our country and our government still remains with We The People. Democracy requires constant participation by its citizens so here is a list of what you can do. 

1. Join Reject the Cover Up Rallies 

We The People have the right to be mad that Republican Senators did not protect our republic and failed to live up to their constitutional oath. We have the right to be mad that President Trump continues to invite foreign interference in our elections and abuses his power. That is why, on February 4й, the same night as the State of the Union address set to be delivered by President Trump, we will be rallying to Reject the Cover up. Stay up-to-date with Common Cause by texting CAUSE to 97779 for information about the upcoming rallies. 

2. Become a Nonpartisan Election Protection Volunteer

Protecting our elections is absolutely paramount, and it’s now clear that Trump has no interest in doing it. We must fight for a free and fair 2020 election. Election Protection works year-round to ensure that all voters have an equal opportunity to vote and have that vote count. Learn more and sign up to volunteer здесь

3. Join the Action Team! 

Common Cause has offices in over 20 states. As a nonpartisan organization, we are continuously fighting to make our democracy more open, honest, and accountable to the people, and there is always opportunity for activists to join.

In the past year, Common Cause activists have helped to establish new small donor public election financing programs, spread automatic voter registration to several new states, stop partisan gerrymandering, protect voting rights, hold the Trump administration accountable, and much more. If you want in on the action, join здесь

4. Vote! And Make Sure You Are Registered 

One of the most important and easiest ways to make your voice heard is simply by voting. With Common Cause’s Voting Tools, we make it easy for you to register, verify your registration status, request an absentee ballot, and sign up for election reminders. If you are upset with your lawmakers, you have the power to vote them out, and if you are happy with the work they have done, reward them by keeping them in office. That’s how democracy works.

5. Donate 

Common Cause is a leader in fights that matter at the local, state, and national level. Anything you can do to support us ensures we can keep fighting to hold elected officials accountable, and building the democracy that all Americans deserve. If you want to donate, click здесь

6. Call Your Senators/Representatives 

The trial may be close to over, but that doesn’t mean we have to stop holding those in power accountable. Keep calling your lawmakers and tell them why the decision they made in the impeachment trial was right or wrong. Remember, it is just as important to thank those that upheld their oath as it is to condemn those that did not. You can call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and be connected directly with the Senate office you request.  

7. Visit your Lawmakers 

If you are able, a face to face visit is even better than a phone call. Meet with your senator or representative and hold them accountable for how they conducted themselves in the trial. Find your representatives here to start taking action. 

8. Write an LTE 

Writing a Letter to the Editor is a great way to let your Senators know how you feel about the impeachment trial. When you submit an LTE to your local paper, there is a good chance that your representative will be forced to see it and know that their constituents are working to hold them accountable in the next election. 



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