
Защита выборов: оперативные обновления с мест событий

Thanks to you, over 12,000 amazing nonpartisan volunteers are out at the polls today, making sure every voter can cast their ballot free from intimidation. Here’s one of our Michigan volunteers, Tina, in action this morning:


“It was a very positive and productive way to spend Election Day! I got to speak to my neighbors and help them with voting questions.” – Tina C.  

Our Election Protection program isn’t just a safety net—it’s a lifeline for voters as they do their civic duty. Whether it’s sorting out polling place changes, answering questions about voting rights, or helping with ballot access, our volunteers are there to make sure everything goes smoothly. 

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Today, this incredible team has already helped thousands of voters overcome language barriers, guided folks through voting provisional ballots, and made sure every eligible voter knows their rights. Each voter we help is a reminder of just how much we can achieve when we work together to protect our democracy. 

We’ll be back later with more updates from the field. For now, just know that your support is making a real difference out there today. And no matter what happens in the next few hours, you should feel incredibly proud of what you’ve done this election.  

Thank you for being such an important part of this work. Together, we’re ensuring every vote counts. 

Остановите Мэтта Гетца


Остановите Мэтта Гетца

Член палаты представителей Мэтт Гетц — отрицатель выборов и идеолог крайне правых взглядов, которому не место даже близко к Министерству юстиции.