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Обучение прозрачности Мэддоу с адвокатом времен Уотергейта Филиппом Лаковарой
Рэйчел Мэддоу преподала стране важный урок истории на примере человека, который вошел в историю, приняв два важных решения о прозрачности в эпоху Уотергейта, — Филиппа Лаковары.
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Rachel Maddow gave the nation a teach-in for this important historical moment that includes a very rare interview with the attorney, Philip Lacovara, who won two important transparency decisions from the Supreme Court in the Watergate-era. He then resigned when President Ford pardoned the resigned former-President Nixon, unable to serve a government that would forgive his crimes. Lacovara had been a staunch supporter of President Nixon.
Imagine that?