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PHOTOS: Americans #RejectTheCoverup

Moments after the Senate ended its sham impeachment trial...
something extraordinary happened.

Moments after the Senate ended its sham impeachment trial — and voted to cover up President Trump’s impeachable offenses, something extraordinary happened.

Across the country, at more than 300 events from coast to coast, thousands of Americans rallied to call out the politicians who voted to let Trump off the hook to demand the democracy we deserve.

Here are some of our favorite photos from yesterday’s events — click the arrows to scroll through:


Last night was powerful. It was a dark moment in our democracy — the U.S. Senate voted to effectively hand President Trump a blank check to abuse his power and try to rig the 2020 election in his favor.

But We the People were not silent. We were out in force: thousands upon thousands of Americans at 300 events nation-wide, volunteer-led by you, saying with one voice: we reject this coverup! Below are some of the news clips, and photos from an incredible night of democracy in action.

We asked you to do an extraordinary thing and in just a few day’s notice, create a groundswell of grassroots energy to push back against this lawless President and the Republicans in the Senate that voted for a cover-up of his impeachable offenses.

And you more than delivered. There were marches in towns large and small, in New York City, and Petoskey, Michigan and Wasillia, Alaska. Rallies in 46 states and Washington, D.C. And a “flash mob to say thank you to Sen. Romney” in Salt Lake City.

You organized and mobilized your family, friends and neighbors to send a clear message that we will not stop fighting for our democracy. The photos, videos and news clips we have received are a record of what we did last night. But they are also only part of the story.What you cannot see in the pictures of crowds, or the videos of rally chants, is the hope and courage of our movement. Today was a dark day for our democracy, but our nation’s darkest moments are often followed by our greatest triumphs. It takes courage, hope and persistence, and tonight you proved what we are capable of.

What comes next: we will protect our elections, and our democracy. We must continue to engage our Members of Congress to make sure they continue to investigate the Trump Administration. We will continue to mobilize because we the people have the ultimate power in our democracy.



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