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You Want the Truth!

On July 24, following the testimony of Robert Mueller, Common Cause called for an impeachment investigation. Clearly there were questions unanswered, and Common Cause members wanted to know the truth.

On July 24, following the testimony of Robert Mueller, Common Cause called for an impeachment investigation. And on November 22, Common Cause officially called for President Trump’s impeachment and removal.

• In Washington — We hand-delivered a copy of our research and evidence before Congress left town for Thanksgiving.

• Online — We launched a website ImpeachmentInquiry.org to track representatives’ positions on the impeachment inquiry and connect our members with their Congress member.

• And all across the country — Common Cause members descended on local offices to lobby their U.S. representatives.

Now, a majority of U.S. House members have gone on the record in support of the inquiry — with many making their support public since we launched the campaign. And on September 12, 2019, the House Judiciary Committee voted to largely meet our members’ demands.

That’s the power of public pressure on full display!

A few words from Common Cause president Karen Hobert Flynn about why we are taking this unprecedented action now.

“The American people deserve to know the full truth about Russia’s attacks on our elections, and about the apparent obstruction of justice and felony campaign finance violations committed by President Trump and his advisors.

“Our members made it very clear over the congressional recess that they expect their representatives to support an impeachment investigation to get to the truth behind White House stonewalling. Without the full weight and additional powers inherent in an impeachment investigation, it has become apparent that the truth will never be revealed to the American people. The House has been forced to exercise these constitutional powers by a presidential administration that has refused to acknowledge Congress as a co-equal branch of our government.

“Our Constitution guarantees that no American is above the law, including the president.”



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