Internet Access & Net Neutrality

We deserve a free and fair internet where we can access information about our democracy. Common Cause is combating efforts from cable companies and politicians to restrict or put a price on that access.

In our 21st-century democracy, everyone should be able to access the Internet to read the news, get informed about their government, and more. That is why Common Cause fights for expanded high-speed broadband services and other pro-access reforms.

We also advocate in favor of net neutrality—vital protections that stop cable companies from charging customers to visit certain websites—at the state and national level. Our internet access & net neutrality work helps keep the public engaged and informed on the issues that matter to all of us.

Что мы делаем

Internet Access For All


Internet Access For All

Internet access has become crucial for participating in our Democracy. Yet the digital divide prevents over 4 million Americans from accessing internet connection.
Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act


Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act

Government agencies abuse Section 702 by conducting hundreds of thousands of“backdoor” searches for Americans’ private communications every year. Congress must pass real reform with protections for Americans against government abuse.
Net Neutrality


Net Neutrality

Americans rely on the internet to access the information necessary to pursue education, gain employment, receive healthcare, and get civically engaged in our democratic process.

Принять меры

Share Your Story


Share Your Story

Help us hold media platforms and bad actors accountable! We are looking for stories about how election disinformation, internet access, and news sources impact how Americans participate in our democracy. Please respond to one or more of the following questions using this form. Have you or a loved one experienced Cyber Suppression? Has your content/ account every been banned/ suppressed/ suspended due to engaging in political topics? Do you suspect that your personal information (party...
Общее Дело
Sign Up As A Digital Democracy Activist


Sign Up As A Digital Democracy Activist

Are you interested in defending your community from cyber suppression? If so, you should become a Digital Activist!
Общее Дело

Ваша финансовая поддержка помогает нам оказывать влияние привлечение власти к ответственности и укрепление демократии.


Позиционный документ

Как Раздел II защищает наши цифровые гражданские права


Highlights and Accomplishments From 2021


How Lobbying and Political Influence By Broadband Gatekeepers Has Shaped The Digital Divide Report

A new report from Common Cause in partnership with the Communications Workers of America, “Broadband Gatekeepers: How ISP Lobbying and Political Influence Shapes the Digital Divide,” examines lobbying and political spending by the largest ISPs and their trade associations and how these activities have shaped the digital divide.

Юридическая подача

Comments in the FCC’s broadband deployment proceeding


Forbes: FCC Votes To Restore Net Neutrality: A Win For Consumers And Democracy

Новостной клип

Forbes: FCC Votes To Restore Net Neutrality: A Win For Consumers And Democracy

Former FCC Commissioner and Common Cause Special Adviser Michael Copps shared his perspective on the importance of reinstating net neutrality: “If I weren't out of the country today, I would be personally at the FCC jumping up and down, saluting the majority for reinstituting the network neutrality rules that were so foolishly eliminated by the previous Commission.”

Copps has been a staunch advocate for an open Internet for over two decades, emphasizing that the reinstated rules are not only moderate but have previously been...

FCC Votes to Restore Net Neutrality


FCC Votes to Restore Net Neutrality

Today, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted to restore Net Neutrality. The move restores the FCC’s authority under Title II of the Communications Act to oversee broadband providers and enforce the open-internet protections. The Open Internet Order was repealed during the Trump Administration in the face of widespread public opposition – including comments filed during the proceedings opposing the controversial reversal by the agency.



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