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The Constitution’s Ultimate Power, We the People, Have Questions for Judge Kavanaugh

As the attention turns from who the President will pick to the Senate's confirmation, it is important to remember that the U.S. Constitution is absolutely clear on one point: We the People are the ultimate power in our democracy. The people have questions for the nominee.

President Trump has nominated Judge Kavanuagh, his second pick for the U.S. Supreme Court. Now, the Senate must act.  There is no part of American life that isn’t affected by the Court and much of the coverage speculates about what this means for specific issues. No matter what your primary issue concern is, there are questions about what the future holds.

And then there is the ultimate issue — the people’s role in our democracy.

The Constitution as amended is open to interpretation, but on one issue in the original document, the Framers were crystal clear. Only the people, through our votes, give the government its legitimacy and power. No monarch, no military, no amount of money, no corporate entity, nor any politician can hold power without the people’s consent.

Recently, the Supreme Court in decisions from Граждане Объединенные к Шелби к Janus and others, have shifted power away from people to wealthy special interests.

So, we the people, have questions. We lay them out in the statement of Common Cause President Karen Hobert Fynn. We also ask that you help us make sure these questions get asked by pushing them out on Facebook и Twitter and asking them of your home state senators. Our legislative staff will be pressing Senators to ask them, but as with all things in our democracy — when the people speak the politicians will ultimately realize they have to listen.

Share these images to make sure these questions are asked during Judge Kavanaugh’s hearings


Kavanaugh Key Cases


Kavanaugh Apply the Rule of Law

Kavanaugh questions grahpic



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