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Help us hold media platforms and bad actors accountable! We are looking for stories about how election disinformation, internet access, and news sources impact how Americans participate in our democracy. Please respond to one or more of the following questions using this form. Have you or a loved one experienced Cyber Suppression? Has your content/ account every been banned/ suppressed/ suspended due to engaging in political topics? Do you suspect that your personal information (party...
Stop letting candidates who lose the popular vote win the presidency

Stop letting candidates who lose the popular vote win the presidency

Our democracy shouldn’t give some Americans’ voices more weight than others.


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27 Results

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27 Results

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Tell Congress: End Shameful Felony Disenfranchisement


Tell Congress: End Shameful Felony Disenfranchisement

Every American citizen deserves to be heard in our democracy. But right now, Jim Crow-era felony disenfranchisement laws deny this fundamental right to over 4.6 million Americans.

Congress must take action to fix this by passing the Inclusive Democracy Act, which would guarantee voting rights to ALL American citizens.

Tell DOJ: Investigate AI-generated vote suppression in New Hampshire


Tell DOJ: Investigate AI-generated vote suppression in New Hampshire

Something alarming happened in New Hampshire recently – and we need your help to nip this dangerous new anti-voter tactic in the bud.

Voters across New Hampshire reported calls from a “deepfake” AI–generated voice that sounded just like President Biden urging them not to vote in the state’s primary election.
Fix the Broken Electoral College


Fix the Broken Electoral College

Our democracy shouldn’t give some Americans’ voices more weight than others. States must sign onto the National Popular Vote Compact and band together to ensure the presidential candidate who receives the most votes always wins the election.



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