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Voting & Elections 02.27.2023

Texas Lawmakers Considering Making Voting Violations to a Felony

The Texas Senate State Affairs Committee held a hearing Monday on Senate Bill 2, a dangerous attempt to increase the criminal penalties for those who may make inadvertent mistakes when voting.

Voting & Elections 02.22.2023

New Common Cause Report: Texas Voters Faced Preventable Challenges at the Polls in 2022

New Common Cause Texas report on the 2022 election cycle details how Texas, one of the hardest states to vote in, fell short in serving voters

Voting & Elections 01.9.2023

How Common Cause Texas Will Fight Voter Suppression Efforts

Voting access will be a major issue as Texas's state legislature gavels in on Tuesday.

Voting & Elections 11.8.2022

Texans Turn Out to Vote, Despite Confusion at the Polls

Common Cause Texas’ Election Protection Program helped thousands of Texas voters overcome obstacles on Election Day

Voting & Elections 11.8.2022

Widespread Election Protection Efforts Support Texas Voters on Election Day

Groups like Common Cause Texas and the Department of Justice are monitoring the polls to ensure all Texans can cast their ballots fairly

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