

End Dark Money in Texas Politics

I am writing to you today with a deep concern about the corrosive influence of dark money in Texas politics. As the Secretary of State, you hold a crucial position in safeguarding the integrity of our democratic processes, and I urge you to take decisive action to address this pressing issue.

Recent revelations have exposed the alarming extent to which wealthy special interests are able to manipulate our political system through the use of undisclosed funds. Over $150 million has been injected into Texas politics by a handful of billionaires, distorting the will of the people and undermining the democratic principles upon which our state was founded.

This influx of dark money not only skews policy decisions on critical issues such as public education, immigration, and political accountability but also erodes public trust in our elected officials and the electoral process as a whole. It is imperative that we take immediate steps to restore transparency, accountability, and fairness to our elections.

I urge you to use your authority to champion the following reforms:

– Strengthening the Texas Ethics Commission to ensure robust oversight and enforcement of campaign finance laws.
– Demanding full disclosure of all sources of dark money in political campaigns, including the identities of donors and the amounts contributed.
– Implementing limits on individual campaign contributions to prevent the undue influence of wealthy donors.
– Exploring the possibility of instituting public financing for political campaigns to level the playing field and reduce the reliance on private funds.

By taking concrete action to address the scourge of dark money in our politics, we can work towards a future where elected officials are accountable to the people they serve, rather than to wealthy special interests. I implore you to prioritize this issue and to work tirelessly to enact meaningful reforms that will protect the integrity of our democracy.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. I look forward to seeing your leadership on this critical issue.

Our democracy is under threat from dark money corrupting Texas politics. Wealthy donors wield undue influence, drowning out the voices of everyday Texans like you and me.

At Common Cause Texas, we fight for transparency and accountability in our elections. But we need your help.

Sign our petition if you believe our elected officials should serve the people, not billionaires. Together, we can:

  1. Strengthen the Texas Ethics Commission
  2. Demand full disclosure of dark money
  3. Limit individual campaign contributions
  4. Implement public financing for campaigns

Let’s break the cycle of pay-to-play politics and create a transparent, accountable system. Your signature is your commitment to a fairer Texas democracy. Join us today.


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