

Freedom to Vote Act im US-Senat eingebracht

Seit Monaten kämpfen die Texaner gegen die Versuche der parteiischen Landesgesetzgebung, den Zugang zur Wahlurne einzuschränken und unsere Demokratie zu untergraben. Wir fordern unsere Kongressdelegation auf, das Freedom to Vote Act rasch zu verabschieden.

Statement of Common Cause Texas Associate Director Stephanie Gómez

For months, Texans have mobilized against the partisan state legislature’s attempts to restrict access to the ballot box and undermine our democracy. The courage, tenacity, and perseverance shown by our legislative allies, our partners, and the people of Texas over the past few months have proven essential in calling for national standards to protect our freedom to vote. The Freedom to Vote Act takes a huge step to ensure federal protections are established to ensure every vote counts and the will of the people prevails. This historic legislation is a key step forward to stop partisan gerrymandering, which has impeded Texans’ access to fair representation for decades, and takes important steps to curtail the influence of big money in our elections. We urge our Congressional delegation to swiftly pass the Freedom to Vote Act.


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