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Registro de votantes en línea: la ventaja administrativa

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Registro de votantes en línea: la ventaja administrativa

La mayoría de los estados (39, además del Distrito de Columbia) ofrecen ahora a los ciudadanos la oportunidad de registrarse para votar en línea. Desde la perspectiva del estado, ofrecer esta oportunidad tiene mucho sentido: permite que los padrones electorales sean más precisos y estén actualizados, es más barato que el anticuado método en papel, es más fácil de administrar para los funcionarios electorales y se puede hacer de forma segura, lo que aumenta la confianza en nuestros sistemas electorales. Existe un consenso generalizado de que el registro de votantes en línea (OVR) sigue siendo una reforma no partidista que no beneficia a...
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Common Cause Texas Looks to Bring Fairness to Redistricting

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Common Cause Texas Looks to Bring Fairness to Redistricting

Five of the six Congress members representing Austin are Republicans, a striking revelation considering the city’s overwhelmingly liberal leanings (every City Council member is a Democrat, for example). That’s hardly an accident, says Anthony Gutierrez, executive director at Common Cause Texas, an organization dedicated to supporting free and fair elections. “Texas is one of the worst offenders when it comes to gerrymandering, and Austin is such a blatant example,” he says.

Rise in Use of Ballot Drop Boxes Sparks Partisan Battles

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Rise in Use of Ballot Drop Boxes Sparks Partisan Battles

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, has been accused of trying to stifle Democratic votes by issuing a directive limiting ballot drop boxes to one per county. That strikes some Democrats as an effort to make voting harder for residents of the state’s sprawling metropolises, which tend to vote Democratic. Harris County, home to Houston, has a population of more than 4.7 million people and covers 1,777 square miles.

“I can’t think of any other reason to do this other than voter suppression,” said Anthony Gutierrez,...

Fallo de la Corte de Apelaciones del Fiscal General de Texas que rechaza los límites del Gobernador a los sitios de entrega de papeletas de voto en ausencia

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Fallo de la Corte de Apelaciones del Fiscal General de Texas que rechaza los límites del Gobernador a los sitios de entrega de papeletas de voto en ausencia

"La decisión de hoy es un alivio para muchos tejanos que califican para votar en ausencia", dijo Anthony Gutiérrez, director ejecutivo de Common Cause Texas. "La mayoría de estos votantes tienen discapacidades y son ancianos. Con solo un sitio de devolución de boletas por condado, estos votantes habrían enfrentado dificultades para viajar que podrían haberles hecho imposible votar".

The only election conspiracy is the GOP trying to limit ballot access for Trump opponents

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The only election conspiracy is the GOP trying to limit ballot access for Trump opponents

"This isn’t security, it’s suppression,” Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo tweeted of the move, which prompted a lawsuit by the League of United Latin American Citizens. The Texas branch of the nonpartisan grassroots organization Common Cause is suing to challenge the limit. Its attorney Anthony Gutierrez said the governor lacks authority to restrict drop boxes; that's for local election officials.

ADL files lawsuit to stop Texas governor’s limit on drop-off sites

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ADL files lawsuit to stop Texas governor’s limit on drop-off sites

The ADL’s Austin, Southwest and Texoma Regions, Common Cause Texas and an individual Texas voter filed suit to block the governor of Texas from limiting drop-off sites for absentee ballots to a maximum of one per county during the state’s early voting period, regardless of the size of a county’s population or the distribution of that population.

Texas governor faces third lawsuit over limit on mail ballot drop-off sites

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Texas governor faces third lawsuit over limit on mail ballot drop-off sites

Anthony Gutierrez, the executive director of Common Cause Texas, said that "many" of the voters affected by the rule change rely on public transportation.

“Many of the Texans who qualify to vote absentee have disabilities and are elderly, and they rely on public transportation,” Gutierrez said in a statement. “With only one drop-off site per county, these voters would face challenges in travel that might make it impossible for them to vote. The drop-off site limit will also make the one site in each country prone to lines...

Mail in ballot lawsuit filed against Gov. Abbott

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Mail in ballot lawsuit filed against Gov. Abbott

“Just blatant voter suppression. There is really no reason in the world why counties should be limited to one drop off site for mail ballots. All around the country we are seeing vote by mail access expanded, to where they are letting basically anybody vote by mail if they are afraid for their health,” said Anthony Gutierrez with Common Cause Texas.

Lawsuit filed to stop Governor Abbott from limiting drop-off sites for absentee ballots

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Lawsuit filed to stop Governor Abbott from limiting drop-off sites for absentee ballots

“Many of the Texans who qualify to vote absentee have disabilities and are elderly, and they rely on public transportation,” said Anthony Gutierrez, executive director of Common Cause Texas. “With only one drop-off site per county, these voters would face challenges in travel that might make it impossible for them to vote. The drop-off site limit will also make the one site in each country prone to lines and crowds, endangering voters’ health.”

Voting rights advocates sue to block Texas governor’s order limiting counties to one ballot drop-off location

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Voting rights advocates sue to block Texas governor’s order limiting counties to one ballot drop-off location

Anthony Gutierrez, executive director of Common Cause Texas, said in a statement that in Harris County, “reducing 11 drop off locations to only 1 severely limits voting access and forces people to choose between voting and their health.” The county, which includes Houston, comprises 1,777 square miles.

He called Abbott’s order “blatant voter suppression and yet another way the politicians in charge are putting barriers between Texans and the ballot box.”

“With last-minute changes and pending...



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