
Communiqué de presse

Le gouverneur du Texas signe un projet de loi visant à supprimer le droit de vote, ce qui rend le vote plus difficile pour tous les Texans

Alors que le gouverneur Abbott signe une loi visant à rendre plus difficile le vote des Texans, des dizaines de milliers de nos amis et de nos familles sont à l'hôpital et se battent pour leur vie à cause de ses priorités mal placées. 

Déclaration de Stephanie Gómez, directrice associée de Common Cause Texas 

Alors que le gouverneur Abbott signe une loi visant à rendre plus difficile le vote des Texans, des dizaines de milliers de nos amis et de nos familles sont à l'hôpital et se battent pour leur vie à cause de ses priorités mal placées.  

Rather than making it easier for Texans to vote for elected leaders who will prioritize our health and safety above their political ambitions, Governor Abbott has just attempted to silence voters from being heard in the next election.   

In signing this anti-democratic legislation, Governor Abbott has shown he cares more about suppressing our vote than suppressing the COVID-19 virus. Every resource and vote in this special session should have gone toward stopping the spread of this deadly virus that has claimed the lives of more than 57,000 of our friends and family. 

Prioritizing voter suppression as the first order of business in this special session is a complete disregard for the health, safety, and well-being of every Texan.  

But the fight for our voting rights does not end with one bill or one legislative session. The fight continues as long as we the people are willing to fight for what we believe.  

Our grassroots army of advocates will never back down from this fight. We will continue to make sure every Texan knows our rights, how to register to vote, and how to make our voices heard, no matter the color of our skin, our political affiliation, or where we live.  

Every eligible voter has the right to vote and have a say in our democracy. We will fight until every Texan has the freedom to vote without discrimination, intimidation, or risk to health and safety.  



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