
Communiqué de presse

L'Assemblée législative de l'État du Texas va examiner un projet de loi sur l'intimidation électorale

Aujourd'hui, le projet de loi SB 9, destiné à intimider et à décourager les Texans d'exercer leur liberté de vote, a été présenté au Sénat de l'État du Texas. Le projet de loi est examiné après que le gouverneur Abbott a demandé à l'assemblée législative d'examiner le projet de loi, sans citer aucun fait ni source fiable pour étayer ses affirmations.

Today, SB 9, a bill designed to intimidate and discourage Texans from exercising their freedom to vote was introduced in the Texas State Senate. The legislation is being heard after Governor Abbott requested that the legislature take up the bill, without citing any facts or reputable sources to support his claims.  

Déclaration de Stephanie Gómez, directrice associée de Common Cause Texas 

Despite the twin challenges of an aging energy grid and the COVID-19 pandemic, this Governor remains focused on continuing to limit our freedom to vote.  

We are no better prepared to face a fast-approaching winter than we were nearly a year ago when nearly 200 Texans died because of our failing energy grid.   

In the last month, more than 270 COVID deaths were reported every single day.  

And still, this Governor is more focused on limiting our freedom to vote than protecting our lives.  

This bill is meant to scare voters from casting a ballot and from participating in our democracy. No Texan should ever have to fear exercising their constitutional freedom to vote. Sadly, that’s exactly what this Governor wants.  

How much more money and time are we going to spend entertaining Governor Abbott’s charade? This will only continue to distract and divide us from coming together to address our state’s biggest challenges. 

We urge Governor Abbott and this legislature to stop taking up the priorities of partisan national actors and start solving the problems Texans want addressed today.  

End this election circus now. 



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