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Common Cause Texas Calls Out Lawmakers’ Response to UT Austin Protests

Press Release

Common Cause Texas Calls Out Lawmakers’ Response to UT Austin Protests

“From attempts to prohibit polling places on campus to these mass arrests of peaceful protestors, it is clear the politicians in power in Texas are doing all they can to stifle the voices of those they disagree with," said Anthony Gutierrez, executive director of Common Cause Texas.

Media Contacts

Jennifer Garcia

Media Strategist

Anthony Gutierrez

Executive Director


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Freedom to Vote Act Introduced in the U.S Senate

Press Release

Freedom to Vote Act Introduced in the U.S Senate

For months, Texans have mobilized against the partisan state legislature's attempts to restrict access to the ballot box and undermine our democracy. We urge our Congressional delegation to swiftly pass the Freedom to Vote Act.

Lawsuit Says Texas’s SB 1 Violates the State’s Constitution by Burdening the Right to Vote and Discriminating Against Voters of Color

Press Release

Lawsuit Says Texas’s SB 1 Violates the State’s Constitution by Burdening the Right to Vote and Discriminating Against Voters of Color

SB 1 was passed with the intent to suppress these votes. The legislation includes provisions that expand the power of partisan poll watchers, limit county election officials’ discretion to adopt safe and secure methods of voting, especially during a pandemic, make it more difficult for voters to receive assistance, and place restrictions on absentee ballots, ballot drop boxes, and early voting.

Texas Senate Passes Bill Encouraging Partisan Election Challenges

Press Release

Texas Senate Passes Bill Encouraging Partisan Election Challenges

This is partisan grandstanding at the expense of taxpayers. Common Cause Texas strongly urges the House to vote no on this dangerous legislation and instead focus on preventing the spread of the COVID-19 virus that has killed more than 55,000 of our fellow Texans and has more than 13,000 in the hospital fighting for their lives. 

Texas House Passes Anti-Voter Bill

Press Release

Texas House Passes Anti-Voter Bill

Just before midnight, the Texas State House passed SB 1, a bill that will make it harder for Texans to vote, particularly the elderly, people with disabilities, and Texans of color. The legislation was passed by a 79-37 vote with Republican legislators rushing in more than 30 amendments in a matter of hours.

Texas State House Reaches Quorum for Second Special Session

Press Release

Texas State House Reaches Quorum for Second Special Session

Each day Governor Abbott and Republican state legislators continue their war on our right to vote, more of our fellow Texans’ lives are at risk because of our leaders' misplaced priorities. More than 75 hospitals have run out of ICU beds and more than 20,000 Texans are suffering from COVID-19.

Texas State Senator Carol Alvarado Announces Intent to Filibuster Voter Suppression Bill

Press Release

Texas State Senator Carol Alvarado Announces Intent to Filibuster Voter Suppression Bill

Voting rights for all is something worth fighting like hell for and we thank state leaders like Senator Carol Alvarado for speaking up for every Texan. And while Senator Alvarado is not afraid to take a stand for voting rights, Republicans in the U.S. Senate, including Texas Senators Ted Cruz and John Cornyn, refuse to even allow debate on The For The People Act. The For The People Act is a transformative piece of legislation that will protect the very voting rights Governor Abbott works to take away from us.

Fifty-Sixth Anniversary of President Johnson Signing the Voting Rights Act of 1965 Into Law

Press Release

Fifty-Sixth Anniversary of President Johnson Signing the Voting Rights Act of 1965 Into Law

On this day 56 years ago, President Lyndon B. Johnson, a proud Texan, signed the Voting Rights Act of 1965 into law. The legislation was a victory made possible by the hundreds of thousands of grassroots voting rights advocates who never gave up their good fight, leaders like Martin Luther King Jr., Diane Nash, and the late Congressman John Lewis.

Governor Greg Abbott Calls Unprecedented Second Special Session in Three Months to Restrict The Right to Vote

Press Release

Governor Greg Abbott Calls Unprecedented Second Special Session in Three Months to Restrict The Right to Vote

Moments ago, Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced he is calling the second special session since June of the Texas state legislature, set to begin Saturday, August 7. Governor Abbot’s decision to call a second special session in two months is an extreme, partisan power grab at a time when he should be squarely focused on Texas’ multiple crises.

Common Cause Texas Statement on Growing Momentum for National Voting Rights Legislation

Press Release

Common Cause Texas Statement on Growing Momentum for National Voting Rights Legislation

Without a level playing field, we cannot “out-organize” the insurrectionists, Big Lie lobbyists, and Jim Crow revivalists who want to silence, instead of engage, our nation’s rising electorate. We are encouraged by the news from Senator Klobuchar that the U.S. Senate is making progress on critical voting rights legislation. That agreement cannot come soon enough. 

CMD and Common Cause Texas File Complaint Against ALEC and ALEC Legislators for Illegal Campaign Scheme

Press Release

CMD and Common Cause Texas File Complaint Against ALEC and ALEC Legislators for Illegal Campaign Scheme

Complaint to Texas Ethics Commission alleges that ALEC illegally gave sophisticated voter management campaign software linked to the RNC worth $3,000 to its state chairs, Sen. Kelly Hancock and Rep. Tan Parker, ALEC board member Rep. Phil King, and other ALEC members. Similar complaints are being filed with the IRS and in 14 other states.


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