
Press Release

Texas Secretary of State’s Office Advances Partisan Attempt to Undermine 2020 Election Results

The Abbott administration, in a move clearly intended to placate a President who lost an election nearly a year ago, has announced an inquiry that is clearly part-and-parcel of the sham election review process that has been spreading across the country.

Late last night, the Texas Secretary of State’s office announced it has already begun conducting a partisan review of the 2020 TX presidential election results in four counties.  

Statement of Common Cause Texas Executive Director Anthony Gutierrez

The Abbott administration, in a move clearly intended to placate a President who lost an election nearly a year ago, has announced an inquiry that is clearly part-and-parcel of the sham election review process that has been spreading across the country. 

This is a purely partisan effort with no clear intent other than to further undermine faith in our democracy. 

Despite having no clear statutory authority to do so, the Secretary of State’s office issued a vague announcement for what sounds like a sham review, designed to do little more than cast doubt on an election that the previous Secretary of State declared very well-run.  

This decision to inject partisan politics into our elections will only sow doubts in our democracy, distract and divide us, and stick taxpayers with the bill.  

It’s time our leaders stop chasing election conspiracies and start governing. 


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