

Texas AG Ken Paxton’s Misconduct Warrants Impeachment Hearings

Common Cause Texas, a nonpartisan good government and pro-democracy group, is calling for impeachment hearings to begin.

AUSTIN —  The Texas House General Investigating Committee heard testimony Wednesday regarding a sweeping investigation into serious misconduct by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. 

Among the revelations provided by investigators about Texas’ top law enforcement officer were: 

  • Abuse of power to help a campaign donor
  • Evidence of abuse of official capacity 
  • Misuse of official information 
  • Misapplication of fiduciary property 
  • Acceptance of an improper gift 

Late Wednesday, following the conclusion of the legislative hearing,  came reports of an actual dumpster fire outside the office of the Attorney General.

Paxton is also facing separate criminal charges of securities fraud charges following 2015 indictments, but has yet to go to trial. 

Common Cause Texas, a nonpartisan good government group, is calling for impeachment hearings to begin. 


Following is a statement from コモンコーズ・テキサス エグゼクティブディレクター アンソニー・グティエレス


“Accountability for Ken Paxton’s wildly unethical, corrupt, and likely illegal actions, is way overdue.

Ken Paxton is no stranger to scandals but these latest allegations rise to a level that cannot be ignored by legislators and must be acted on to protect the public’s interests. 

At this point Ken Paxton’s indictment charges are old enough to start kindergarten and we’re still waiting on the courts to act. If Paxton is going to be held accountable for his wildly unethical and likely illegal actions, it seemingly is up to this legislature to do the right thing and begin impeachment proceedings.” 





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