
보도 자료

텍사스 하원, 제안된 지구 지도 공개

정치인들이 지구 지도를 그리면 정치인들에게 이롭습니다. 그리고 바로 그것이 이 초안 지도가 나타내는 바입니다. 텍사스 유권자보다 권력을 가진 정치인을 우선시하는 것입니다. 모든 텍사스인이 정부에서 발언권을 갖도록 보장하는 대신, 주 의원들은 권력을 가진 사람들이 다음 선거에서 이길 수 있도록 지도를 그렸습니다.

Statement of Anthony Gutierrez, Common Cause Texas Executive Director 

When district maps are drawn by the politicians, they will benefit the politicians. And that’s exactly what these draft maps represent—prioritizing the politicians in power over the voters of Texas. Instead of ensuring that every Texan has a voice in our government, state legislators have drawn maps to help those in power win their next election. 

People of color fueled 95% of Texas’ population growth over the last decade but this map unfairly decreases the number of districts with Hispanic or Black majorities.  

These maps do nothing but preserve the status quo at the expense of Black and brown Texans.  

We look forward to supporting the thousands of Texans making their voices loud and clear for fair maps. Now that maps have been drawn, we expect the state legislature to conduct a round of robust public debate and engagement to ensure the public has a say in this process.  

These maps will determine our representation in government and funding for resources our communities deserve for the next ten years. It’s only right that the public have a seat at the table.  

Together, we must ensure we draw maps that place the interests of Texans ahead of the politicians.  


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