

카운티 지원 지침 수집

주 전역의 카운티 선거 관리자들은 OVR을 채택하기를 간절히 원합니다. 정확하고 안전하며 비용 효율적인 등록 시스템에 대한 주 전체 호소를 지지하는 기록으로 남겨주세요.

How to Gather Support

We appreciate your support for modernizing our elections and the adoption of Online Voter Registration. You can help ensure our elections are accessible to all!

Texas has 254 counties and four different elected and appointed offices that can play a part in registering voters and administering elections. That’s about 1,000 people we need to ask to sign on in support of Online Voter Registration.

  1. Find Your County:
    Check out if your county’s officials have signed on by clicking on your county in the interactive map, or checking here.
  2. See Where Your County Stands:
    If you’re missing support from one or more of your county officials, it’s time to reach out!
  3. Ask Your Officials to Sign On in Support:
    Email, call, or visit your county officials and ask them to sign our support letter! If they email back with questions, you can refer them to Common Cause Texas at agnaedinger@commoncause.org. 

Want to do even more? You can ask your county commissioners to adopt a resolution in support of Online Voter Registration. Use our resolution template as a starting point, or you can see examples of these resolutions that other counties have passed 여기.

With enough county officials signed on in support of online voter registration, it will be difficult for legislators to ignore our call for secure, accurate, and cost-effective voter registration, already in place in 39 other states.

The movement for a strong democracy starts with you!


  • 닫다

    안녕하세요! {state}에서 합류하시는 것 같습니다.

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