
Press Release

U.S. Justice Department Sues Texas Over State Redistricting Maps

While we are grateful for the involvement of the federal government, what we need to stop the five-decade cycle of having to take legal action every ten years is for Congress to pass the Freedom to Vote Act.

Statement from Common Cause Texas Executive Director Anthony Gutierrez  

We welcome federal action from the Department of Justice over the blatantly discriminatory maps designed to deny Black, Brown, and Asian Texans a voice in our government. These racially and partisan gerrymandered maps deny every voter in Texas from having an equal say in the issues we care about most, like a stronger economy, better schools, and a robust energy grid.  

While we are grateful for the involvement of the federal government, what we need to stop the five-decade cycle of having to take legal action every ten years is for Congress to pass the Freedom to Vote Act. We are pleading for the U.S. Senate to not waste another minute before passing this legislation and putting an end to the extreme gerrymandering underway in many states right now. 


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