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Right now, extremists in our legislature want to overrule our votes and impose a blatant government takeover of local elections. Here’s how you can help stop them.

This dangerous measure, SB1933, would give the state the power to overrule the will of Texas voters and remove the local elections officials WE’VE chosen to represent us. 

If you agree local voters – NOT state politicians – should be able to decide how we run our elections, join us to take action.

Call Your Representative

A vote on this bill could come as soon as this week – follow this link to make a toll-free call to your representative and tell them to vote NO.

Spread The Word

Share our Facebook and Twitter posts with every Texan you know – this bill will come right down to the wire, so every last call we can make counts!

Support Our Work

We’ve spent all session springing into action to stop these politically motivated attacks on our rights – can you chip in to help Common Cause Texas keep fighting back?

Texas voters know what’s best for our communities. We’re capable of electing our own local officials who we trust to do what’s best for us.

It’s a slippery slope when the state decides they have unlimited power over our daily lives. It might start here, but there’s no telling where it ends.

We have our work cut out for us, but we’re confident that with your help, we can stop this egregious bill.

Join the movement over 1 million strong for democracy

Join us: Americans deserve open, honest, accountable government.