

Common Cause Texas and our members are fighting for the democracy we deserve.

What We're Doing

Stop Big Money in Texas

Stop Big Money in Texas

The vast majority of us know money has too much influence in politics. That's why we're dedicated to implementing common sense contribution limits.
Online Voter Registration

Online Voter Registration

Texans deserve a modern registration process that encourages voter participation. Take action by advocating for online voter registration as part of modern, secure elections.

Featured Issues

Election Protection

Election Protection

Every eligible voter deserves a say in the policies that impact their daily lives. That is why Common Cause mobilizes volunteers nationwide to help voters cast their ballot.
Ranked Choice Voting

Ranked Choice Voting

Common Cause is fighting for fair elections that truly represent the will of the voters by advocating for ranked choice voting.
Modernizing Voter Registration

Modernizing Voter Registration

Registering to vote is the first step in making our voices heard in our democracy. Common Cause is advocating for modernization of the registration process nationwide so that more eligible voters can get on the rolls.

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