پریس ریلیز

ٹیکساس سینیٹ نے 2020 کے انتخابات، مستقبل کے انتخابی چیلنجز پر بل پاس کیا۔

آج، سینیٹ نے SB 47 منظور کیا، یہ ایک بل سیاسی جماعتوں کے چیئرز کو 2020 کے انتخابات اور مستقبل کے انتخابات کے جائزے کا مطالبہ کرنے کا اختیار دیتا ہے۔ یہ بل پہلی بار جمعے کو دائر کیا گیا تھا، اور کل عوامی سماعت ہوئی۔

Today, the Senate passed SB 47, a bill authorizing political party chairs to demand reviews of the 2020 election and future elections. The bill was first filed on Friday, and a public hearing was held yesterday.

Read more یہاں.

Statement by Common Cause Texas Associate Director Stephanie Gómez

This bill is the ultimate in special-interest legislation. It’s being rushed through the legislative process because of the whims of one person: the former President. He’s not a Texan. And he’s not going to be paying the added taxpayer costs, for decades to come.  

And who knows if he’s going to be content, if the Texas Legislature passes this bill? Or is he going to want something else? And will the Texas Senate rush to give him whatever he asks for, next?

Our Senate is supposed to be doing the business of Texans – not bending to the will of a discontented out-of-stater.

Texans deserve better than to have our ballots used as fuel for election conspiracy theories in other states. We hope the House will follow the rules for special sessions and leave this bill alone.



ہیلو! ایسا لگتا ہے کہ آپ {state} سے ہمارے ساتھ شامل ہو رہے ہیں۔

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