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Tuyên bố của Common Cause Texas về động lực ngày càng tăng cho Luật về quyền bỏ phiếu toàn quốc

Nếu không có sân chơi bình đẳng, chúng ta không thể "đánh bại" những kẻ nổi loạn, những người vận động hành lang Big Lie và những người theo chủ nghĩa phục hưng Jim Crow muốn làm im lặng, thay vì thu hút, cử tri đang lên của quốc gia chúng ta. Chúng tôi được khích lệ bởi tin tức từ Thượng nghị sĩ Klobuchar rằng Thượng viện Hoa Kỳ đang đạt được tiến triển về luật quyền bỏ phiếu quan trọng. Thỏa thuận đó không thể đến sớm hơn được. 

Tuyên bố từ Giám đốc điều hành của Common Cause Texas Anthony Gutierrez

The Texas Democrats who brought the fight for our democracy to our nation’s capital are responsible for helping to bring national attention to the need to protect our freedom to vote. Their courageous and selfless actions to ensure every Texan has a voice in our democracy must be commended. 

Các testimony that Texas Democrats provided before House Oversight’s Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties on Thursday made clear the challenge we are facing in Texas with vindictive, anti-democratic leadership from Greg Abbott and his corrupt enablers. But they also show why this fight is bigger than Texas. It’s about standing up to a dangerous tide of anti-democracy laws written by Big Lie lobbyists who have pledged “to right the wrongs of November” as their dark money floods state capitols across the country.  

Without a level playing field, we cannot “out-organize” the insurrectionists, Big Lie lobbyists, and Jim Crow revivalists who want to silence, instead of engage, our nation’s rising electorate. We are encouraged by the news từ Senator Klobuchar that the U.S. Senate is making progress on critical voting rights legislation. That agreement cannot come soon enough.  

It’s been 56 years since the Voting Rights Act passed, 15 years since it was reauthorized by Congress with overwhelming bipartisan support, 8 years since the Supreme Court struck its first blow against the VRA and more than 30 days since the Supreme Court gutted most of what remained of the landmark civil rights legislation. The time to act is now.


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