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Online Voter Registration: The Administrative Advantage

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Online Voter Registration: The Administrative Advantage

Most states – 39, plus the District of Columbia – now offer citizens the opportunity to register to vote online. From the state’s perspective, providing this opportunity makes good sense: it keeps voter rolls more accurate and up-to-date, it’s cheaper than the outdated paper-based method, it’s easier for elections officials to administer, and it can be done securely, thereby boosting confidence in our elections systems. There is widespread consensus that online voter registration (OVR) remains a nonpartisan reform without benefit to...
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How the historic March on Washington helped impact voting rights

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How the historic March on Washington helped impact voting rights

Nonpartisan Common Cause Texas cites things like polling place closures, voter role purges, ID requirements and antiquated machinery.

There's also the more timely topic of vote-by-mail which Texas has yet to significantly expand.

"It really doesn’t make any sense during normal times," Gutierrez said. "But, in particular during this pandemic, people should not have to go to a polling site in person.”

He and others hope everyone can vote free from confusion, suppression or intimidation this...

What Impact Will the Latino Vote Have in Texas This Year?

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What Impact Will the Latino Vote Have in Texas This Year?

“We’ve seen clear data showing that communities of color, including the Latinx community, are being disproportionately impacted by the pandemic,” said Anthony Gutierrez, executive director of Common Cause Texas, an organization promoting better democracy in Texas. “At the same time, we know that the systemic barriers that make voting harder than it needs to be also disproportionately impact Latinos and Latinas.”

Alabama Votes for Tommy Tuberville, and Democrats Name a Challenger in Maine

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Alabama Votes for Tommy Tuberville, and Democrats Name a Challenger in Maine

“The big issue we’ve seen is poll workers saying, ‘We don’t want to work this election because the governor isn’t requiring masks at polling locations,’” said Anthony Gutierrez, the executive director of Common Cause Texas, another voting rights group.

Over 37,000 have voted in Travis County runoff elections, clerk says

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Over 37,000 have voted in Travis County runoff elections, clerk says

“My takeaway from this low turnout election is that Texas is nowhere close to being ready for November when far more people will be voting,” said Anthony Gutierrez, executive director of the politics watchdog group Common Cause Texas. “While there were relatively fewer problems in this election compared to the meltdowns we saw in the March primaries, things did not go smoothly by any means.”


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