

Texas Election Protection: A Post-Election Report

Following the 2022 election, 9.6 million registered voters in Texas - more than the entire population of states like New Jersey or Virginia - did not exercise their rights to vote. Texas leads the nation in many ways, but ranks 46th as one of the hardest states to vote in in the nation.

Texas voters deserve better.

Following the 2022 election, 9.6 million registered voters in Texas – more than the entire population of states like New Jersey or Virginia – did not exercise their rights to vote. Texas leads the nation in many ways, but ranks 46th as one of the hardest states to vote in in the nation.

Texas voters deserve better. This new Common Cause Texas report on the 2022 election cycle details how Texas fell short in serving voters, and outlines steps forward lawmakers can take to improve turnout in future Texas elections.


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