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NEW: Common Cause published a new report outlining the steps to securing fair voting maps at every level of government. The Roadmap for Fair Maps in 2030 provides a detailed summary of the conclusions from the first ever convening of people-led redistricting commissioners from across the country.

In December 2023, Common Cause gathered citizen redistricting commissioners from 14 commissions in 10 different states to participate in the first ever national conference of commissioners. The commissioners represented their home states of Alaska, California, Colorado, Indiana, Michigan, New Jersey, New Mexico, Ohio, Texas, and Utah. The report’s findings draw from the commissioners’ feedback and firsthand experiences from participating in an independent process in 2021.

Every commissioner found that overall, independent commissions were the best way to create an accessible, inclusive, and transparent process for the community. The commissioners also agreed that independent commissions were the best way to include and reflect the racial and ethnic diversity of the localities. More specifically, the report highlighted several areas of consensus for success:

  • Restoring the Voting Rights Act, including the re-establishment of preclearance
  • Connecting community outreach from the Census to redistricting
  • Ensuring that the commissioners reflect the diversity of the locality or state
  • Including community-based organizations and community leaders to build trust and buy-in

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