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Common Cause Members Report in from the Field

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Common Cause Members Report in from the Field

Tens of thousands of you nationwide have called, emailed, or met with their U.S. representatives and urged them to support an impeachment investigation. Meet a few of these champions of democracy.

Texas Leaders: Do Not Turn Over Driver’s License Data for Citizen Count

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Texas Leaders: Do Not Turn Over Driver’s License Data for Citizen Count

Like most states, Texas should refuse to turn over driver’s license records to the U.S. Census Bureau. Using citizenship data to gerrymander is a radical attempt to undermine our democracy.

Democracy On The Ballot 2019

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Democracy On The Ballot 2019

Democracy reform is on the ballot in the 2019 general election in states and cities across the country.

Media, Government, US

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Media, Government, US

The media merger pot keeps boiling. It appears that the Federal Communications Commission is about to approve another damaging deal, this one between Nexstar and Tribune.



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