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For 2020 candidates, what about democracy?

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For 2020 candidates, what about democracy?

The first four Democratic presidential debates saw questions on healthcare, taxes, military spending & quite a bit more--but not a single question was asked on our democracy. Several candidates have released bold plans to fix our broken political system, so it's time to tell the DNC: let's debate them.

The FCC’s Proposal to Cap Broadband Funding Would Leave Millions of Americans Without Internet Access

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The FCC’s Proposal to Cap Broadband Funding Would Leave Millions of Americans Without Internet Access

Universal service is the principle that all Americans, regardless of location or income, deserve ubiquitous and affordable access to communications services, which have become integral to our lives. Communications services allow us to connect with friends, family, employers, schools, government institutions, and ultimately participate in our democracy.

Disclosure is not dangerous. Secrecy is.

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Disclosure is not dangerous. Secrecy is.

On Tuesday evening, Congressman Joaquin Castro shone a light on those funders in his hometown of San Antonio. That publicly-available information is crucial to running fair and transparent elections.

The Devastating Accuracy of #MoscowMitch and Devastating Inaccuracy of Buck Sexton

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The Devastating Accuracy of #MoscowMitch and Devastating Inaccuracy of Buck Sexton

Politics is a series of moments that, over time, frame issues and define candidates -- occasionally with such devastating accuracy that the politician targeted is forced to react. Last week, #MoscowMitch blinked. That ensures we'll see the meme everywhere and vulnerable Senators in his caucus must be growing anxious. Unfortunately, conservative talk show host Buck Sexton is devastatingly inaccurate in his assessment of the costs of protecting our democracy from foreign influence.



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