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Ranked-Choice Voting: How does it work?

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Ranked-Choice Voting: How does it work?

Every American deserves to have their voice heard in our elections, from city council to the presidency. Those who are serving in elected office should reflect the beliefs of the people. In a democracy, the people have the power— and voters should have the final say. Yet, the way our voting systems are designed can limit voter’s choices.
Ranked-choice voting offers a solution.

The Mueller Report Adapted by Author of Black Hawk Down and Illustrator of Archer

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The Mueller Report Adapted by Author of Black Hawk Down and Illustrator of Archer

Mark Bowden, author of "Black Hawk Down" and Chad Hurd, the art director of "Archer" collaborated to bring out the drama of The Mueller Report -- one more way to get more Americans to engage with this important record of historic levels of unethical, illegal, and unconstitutional behavior by the Trump campaign and White House.

Is Trump Following Russia’s Lead on Elections?

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Is Trump Following Russia’s Lead on Elections?

President Trump has sided with Vladimir Putin over the US intelligence community about Russia's influence on the 2016 election. With police cracking down on public dissent in Moscow and efforts in the US to curtail protest, engineer minority rule, consolidate media ownership and concentrate wealth into fewer and fewer hands, is Russia Trump's model for America's future?

Sunday Night MSNBC TV: American Swamp

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Sunday Night MSNBC TV: American Swamp

MSNBC starts a four-part series called American Swamp this Sunday. It will look at President Trump's finances, money in politics, how lobbyists influence legislation, and what we can do about it. The series feature some of our favorite people, including Shelia Krumholz at OpenSecrets.org, and students at North Carolina A&T talking about gerrymandering. Tune in.

The Truth: It’s What the American People Deserve from an Impeachment Inquiry

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The Truth: It’s What the American People Deserve from an Impeachment Inquiry

In this short video, Common Cause Graduate Communications Fellow Kenneth Campbell demonstrates why every American should be demanding an impeachment inquiry now. Thanks also to summer intern Isabel Giovannetti for her work on this and other video projects.

Make Elections SAFE Again

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Make Elections SAFE Again

Election infrastructure is out of date, easily hacked, and poorly funded. Some progress has been made to secure our elections since 2016, but there’s still quite a bit of work to be done. With a $600 million election security bill likely to die in the Senate, it’s time we have an honest conversation about the dangers we’ll be facing in 2020.



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