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Gerrymandering: The Movie “How Elections are Rigged” by Snag Films

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Gerrymandering: The Movie “How Elections are Rigged” by Snag Films

As the Supreme Court considers Rucho v. Common Cause we bring you some of the best videos that explain the issue. This is the long form documentary "How Elections Are Rigged" by Snag Films, 2016.

Never Voted With Fair Maps: Q and A with Love Caesar

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Never Voted With Fair Maps: Q and A with Love Caesar

As the U.S. Supreme Court prepares to hear a historic challenging to partisan gerrymandering in North Carolina, Love Caesar, an NC A&T student, gives her perspective on the state of gerrymandering and voting rights.

News Blues

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News Blues

I have a bad case of news blues. Journalism is fast becoming a vast wasteland, recalling the great Newt Minow’s insightful characterization of television in the early Sixties. Newsrooms across the land are hollowed out, or in many cases shuttered.



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