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The Rule of Law

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The Rule of Law

Zane Memeger, Esq., who served as the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania during the Obama Administration, offered the following remarks at a reception on June 12 at which he received the Bob Edgar Public Service Achievement Award from Common Cause Pennsylvania.

Senators Probe Election Security Preparedness

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Senators Probe Election Security Preparedness

Tuesday's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing sought to answer the question: “How well are we prepared if foreign agents attempt to interfere in our upcoming elections?” Judging by the expert testimony, the answer is “not very.”

Supreme Court Upholds Ohio Law Facilitating Voter Purges

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Supreme Court Upholds Ohio Law Facilitating Voter Purges

The state's statute assumes that people who don't vote, whatever their reason, have moved and purges them from the voter rolls; in upholding it, the high court "ignores the history of voter suppression" connected with such purges across the country, Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote in a scathing dissent.



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