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Bringing Back Privacy

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Bringing Back Privacy

Michael Copps, Common Cause's special advisor on media and democracy issues and a former member of the Federal Communications Commission, makes the case for a comprehensive overhaul of online privacy protections. This post first appeared on www.benton.org.

Giuliani’s Greatest Hits

Blog Post

Giuliani’s Greatest Hits

A tip of the hat to Politico.com for compiling a compelling list of 31 quotes from Rudy Giuliani's Wednesday-Thursday media blitz on Stormy Daniels, Michael Cohen, and President Trump.

Trump Allies Threaten to Impeach Rosenstein

Blog Post

Trump Allies Threaten to Impeach Rosenstein

As the president's allies rattle their sabers, Common Cause and allied groups are pushing senators to pass legislation protecting the investigation into Russian interference in our elections.

Bad Connection

Blog Post

Bad Connection

The proposed merger should be "dead on arrival" at the FCC, says former Commissioner Michael Copps.



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