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How We The People Stood Up to Online Election Lies

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How We The People Stood Up to Online Election Lies

The effects of online disinformation on the 2022 midterm elections, reflections from the grassroots volunteers behind Common Cause’s Social Media Monitoring campaign, and how to get involved in the modern fight for democracy!

Black Americans have always been resistant — now it’s time for our elected officials to step up

Blog Post

Black Americans have always been resistant — now it’s time for our elected officials to step up

"Since the country’s inception, Black people have been at the forefront of those consistently pushing the U.S. to live up to its ideals of being a free, fair, and just country. Once again, we’re calling on America to start taking big steps to continue striving for those ideals — to be the country we never have been but must be."

Continuing The Path to Equity: Recognizing Black History Month 2023

Blog Post

Continuing The Path to Equity: Recognizing Black History Month 2023

"This February is Black History Month, and this year’s theme – Resistance – recognizes how Black Americans have combated oppression. The theme is timely, as the fight against bigotry and injustice is ongoing and a fight we must all take part in."



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