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Small But Important Steps to Protect Our Elections

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Small But Important Steps to Protect Our Elections

There’ve been two small but nonetheless encouraging developments this week toward securing the nation’s voting machines against foreign attackers.

An Example Worth Following

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An Example Worth Following

Amid the chaos surrounding President Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday night, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow served up a bit of helpful perspective.

Nevada Rescinds Dangerous Article V Convention Call

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Nevada Rescinds Dangerous Article V Convention Call

The Nevada legislature moved today to protect every American’s fundamental rights by rescinding the state’s previous calls for an Article V constitutional convention.

WATCH: John Oliver on Net Neutrality

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WATCH: John Oliver on Net Neutrality

Donald Trump's FCC wants to gut Net Neutrality -- take action to defend the Open Internet

Read the Bill? Who Has Time for That?

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Read the Bill? Who Has Time for That?

Americans deserve transparency from our government, especially when our healthcare and financial well-being is at stake. But Republican leaders in the House of Representatives seem to favor rushing a vote to repeal Obamacare over transparency and accountability.

Common Cause Wisconsin Joins Panel to Discuss an End to Gerrymandering

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Common Cause Wisconsin Joins Panel to Discuss an End to Gerrymandering

Common Cause Wisconsin Executive Director Jay Heck joined University of Wisconsin Political Science Professor David Canon and John Nichols of The Nation and The Capital Times to discuss gerrymandering in Wisconsin. Organizing For Action sponsored the event, which attracted a full house at the Alicia Ashman Library in Madison. Common Cause Wisconsin also sponsored the event along with Fair Elections Project, Indivisible Madison, and Citizen Action.

Woman Could Be Jailed After Giggling at Sessions Hearing

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Woman Could Be Jailed After Giggling at Sessions Hearing

It’s no laughing matter. A woman who police arrested for laughing out loud during January’s confirmation hearing for Attorney General Jeff Sessions was convicted Wednesday of “disorderly and disruptive conduct” that was intended to ‘impede, disrupt, and disturb the orderly conduct’ of congressional proceedings.”

New Spending Bill Makes Lawbreaking Easy for Government Contractors

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New Spending Bill Makes Lawbreaking Easy for Government Contractors

Six hundred twelve pages into the 1,665-page bill that will keep our government open until September lurks a sentence that will make Congress and the president – assuming he signs it – partners in corrupting our elections and government contracting process

At the Hundred Day Mark, Russia Probe More Important Than Ever

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At the Hundred Day Mark, Russia Probe More Important Than Ever

The failure of congressional leaders to staff an independent investigation is fast becoming the only question in Washington that matters. What will it take for Congress to make the Russia investigation the priority the American people believe it deserves?



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