Today was the first Senate hearing on the For the People Act, and after watching it, it is clear that there is an urgency to defend our right to vote, make our government more accountable, and ensure free and fair elections for all of us.

If we’re able to pass the Đạo luật vì nhân dân into law, we can:

  • protect every American’s right to vote…
  • ensure that people, not Big Money, set the agenda…
  • end partisan and racial gerrymandering…
  • clean up our government…
  • and make democracy work for everyone

But, today’s hearing gave us a preview of the other side’s looming disinformation campaign about this flagship voting bill. Now our fight to pass it is about to go into overdrive, as special interests ramp up the pressure on all 100 senators hard to try and kill this bill. 

What can you do to help pass the For the People Act?

The simplest thing you can do right now is to write to your senators — no matter what state you live in — to make sure they support this transformative bill that will build an inclusive democracy where all Americans can thrive, participate, and make their voices heard.

Watch the Senate Rules Committee hearing on the For the People Act below:



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