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Democracy Download: Week of September 24, 2018

Democracy Download is an every-other-weekly round-up of democracy-related events from across the ideological spectrum.



Democracy Download, an every-other-weekly round-up of events, hearings, and other important dates of note pertaining to our democracy. The events cover a range of perspectives from across the ideological spectrum and are all based in Washington, D.C., but some of them can be seen on C-Span, or live-streamed in Facebook Live, or another online source.  Check links for details.

Common Cause publishes this list every-other-week, or weekly if events warrant. If you’d like this delivered as an e-newsletter to your email, or if you have an event you’d like to see listed, contact me at AScherb@commoncause.org. The e-newsletter version also tracks all democracy-related bills introduced in the 115th Congress, which you can find đây.

Key Dates (All times Eastern)

  • September 24, 12pm: Brennan Center hosts an event entitled, “How Election Officials Can Protect The Midterms From Cyberattacks,” 1307 L St. NW, Abramson Family Auditorium, Washington, DC. RSVP đây.
  • September 25, 8:30am-12pm: The United States Capitol Historical Society, in partnership with the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center, hosts a forum by the Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies at American University entitled, “Congress and the Separation of Powers” at the Capitol Visitor Center, Washington, DC. RSVPđây.
  • September 25, 11am-12:30pm: Center for American Progress hosts a panel entitled, “A Generation Without Representation: How Young People Are Severely Underrepresented Among Legislators,” 1333 H St. NW, 10th Floor, Washington, DC. RSVP đây.
  • Ngày 25 tháng 9: National Voter Registration Day (see this full list of events around the country)
  • September 27, 10am: The Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to hold a hearing to examine the sexual assault charges against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, 226 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC.
  • Ngày 30 tháng 9: Deadline for federal employees to report payments of travel accepted from non-Federal sources to the Office of Government Ethics
  • October 1: Deadline for congressional candidates to complete Common Cause’s Our Democracy 2018 questionnaire (to date, more than 275 congressional candidates have completed it)
  • October 2, 10am: Christine Todd Whitman and Preet Bharara announce the Brennan Center task force report on cleaning up Washington at the National Press Club, 529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor (Bloomberg Room), Washington, DC. RSVPđây.
  • October 3, 9am-1pm: Election Assistance Commission hosts an event entitled, “Election Readiness Summit,” 218 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC. RSVP đây.
  • October 9, 12pm-1pm: Heritage Foundation hosts a panel entitled, “The Power and Limits of Special Counsels” with Ken Starr and others, 214 Massachusetts Ave. NE (Allison Auditorium), Washington, DC. RSVP here.
  • October 11, 10am: Federal Election Commission holds an open meeting, 1050 1st St. NE, Washington, DC. Agenda TBA.
  • October 15: 3rd quarter campaign finance reports are due to the FEC
  • November 16: Project on Government Oversight and others hosts a conference entitled, “Oversight Summit,” Washington, DC. Agenda TBA.
  • November 27-28: Common Cause hosts its annual Blueprint for a Great Democracy conference entitled, “Mapping the Path for a 21st Century Democracy,” Whittemore House, 1526 New Hampshire Ave. NW, Washington, DC. RSVP đây.



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