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New Website Helping Americans Weigh In on Supreme Court Vacancy

A new Common Cause website helps Americans join in the debate over filling a Supreme Court vacancy

Common Cause is giving Americans outraged by the refusal of Senate Republicans to consider any Supreme Court nominee proposed by President Obama a quick and convenient way to push their senators to reconsider.

A website launched Wednesday,, invites users in all 50 states to check their senators’ positions on giving an Obama nominee a hearing and a vote. Users can send messages thanking senators who’ve pledged to do their jobs and urging those who’ve said they won’t consider any Obama nominee to change their minds.

“Every senator has sworn to ‘support and defend’ the Constitution,” said Stephen Spaulding, Common Cause’s legal director and senior policy counsel. “Those who take that oath seriously will give the President’s nominee a fair hearing and an up-or-down vote.”




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