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Democracy Counts Newsletter, September 2018

Democracy Counts is a monthly publication to update advocates, media, and interested persons on the latest census news, provide resources for advocates, and connect the census to issues you care about.

Uncommon Reads: New Yorker “Donald Trump has been Implicated in a Criminal Conspiracy”

The first in a series of "Uncommon Reads" from Common Cause staff. These must reads are selected by the staff member indicated in the by-line. The writing excerpted is that of the author of the article being recommended.

Democracy Counts Newsletter, July 2018

Welcome to the inaugural issue of Democracy Counts, a monthly publication to update advocates, media, and interested persons on the latest census news, provide resources for advocates, and connect the census to issues you care about.

Stop Sinclair, Save Local News

Jon Sinton is a media entrepreneur working in radio, television, and online industries. He serves on the advisory board for Common Cause Georgia. Photo Credit: Lorraine Mirabella/The Baltimore Sun

When Newspapers Close and Coverage Declines, Democracy Suffers Too

Biểu quyết theo thứ hạng: Quy tắc đa số trong hệ thống bỏ phiếu mới của Maine

Các cử tri Maine đã bỏ phiếu tín nhiệm vào thứ Ba cho một hệ thống kiểm phiếu đảm bảo các quan chức được bầu sẽ có sự ủng hộ của đa số - không chỉ là số nhiều

Fake News Goes Viral

Americans must thoughtfully, vigilantly evaluate the news, particularly on social media.

In the Giuliani Blitz, New Hints of an Attack On the Mueller Probe

Time for Something New at the Correspondents Dinner?

Michelle Wolf's routine was hilarious to many, over-the-line to many others.

New Jersey tham gia cuộc diễu hành để đăng ký cử tri tự động

Danh sách các tiểu bang mời cư dân đủ điều kiện tham gia vào nền dân chủ của chúng ta bằng cách tự động đăng ký bỏ phiếu vẫn tiếp tục tăng lên.



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