2424 results

Common Cause Files Comments in FCC Broadband Deployment Proceeding

Yesterday, Common Cause and Public Knowledge filed comments in the FCC’s broadband deployment proceeding. The agency is required to release an annual report on whether advanced telecommunications services is being deployed to all Americans in a reasonable and timely fashion. As part of its report, the FCC seeks comments from the public on how it should assess the state of broadband deployment and availability. Common Cause critiqued the agency’s flawed methodology which overstates who has access to broadband and its current policies for...

Common Cause thúc giục Thượng viện hoãn sự đồng ý về việc bổ nhiệm trọn đời vào Tòa án Tối cao cho đến khi hồ sơ đầy đủ về tất cả những gì đang bị đe dọa được công khai

Hôm nay, Common Cause đã thúc giục Thượng viện Hoa Kỳ sử dụng quyền hiến định của mình để không chấp thuận bất kỳ ứng cử viên tổng thống nào cho việc bổ nhiệm trọn đời vào Tòa án Tối cao Hoa Kỳ cho đến khi hồ sơ đầy đủ về những gì đang bị đe dọa được công bố, bao gồm tất cả hồ sơ của ứng cử viên có liên quan đến công việc, và cho đến khi có thêm thông tin về các cuộc điều tra của Bộ Tư pháp liên quan đến tổng thống và tiến trình bầu cử.

Michael Cohen Guilty Plea Follows Common Cause Complaints

The Department of Justice is sending a strong message that it will enforce the nation’s campaign finance laws. The blatant violations of the law that Common Cause outlined in our complaints to the Department of Justice concerning hush money payments to Stormy Daniels are among those that Cohen pleaded guilty to today. Cohen’s guilty plea directly implicates President Trump in related campaign finance violations detailed in Common Cause complaints.

Cohen Tape Backs Up Common Cause Complaint, DOJ Investigation of Trump Campaign Finance Violations

The new recording of Donald Trump and his attorney Michael Cohen reveals much more about who knew what when and adds evidence to back up earlier complaints filed by Common Cause urging the DOJ and the FEC to investigate the apparent campaign finance violations. In the tape, Trump and Cohen clearly discuss the payment in the context of the election and its potential impact. The recording reaffirms what we alleged in our complaints and confirms that Donald Trump knew about the Karen McDougal hush money payments before the election despite his...

Common Cause Urges Congressional Oversight Committees to Investigate Trump Administration Dealings with ZTE & Chinese Govt

Today, Common Cause urged congressional oversight committees to investigate and hold hearings on the Trump Administration’s interactions with Chinese government officials and ZTE, a company that violated trade sanctions with Iran and has been deemed a security threat by U.S. intelligence agencies.

Common Cause Calls for Investigation of Wilbur Ross’ Offshore Investments in Kremlin-linked Companies

Today, Common Cause called on the Inspector General of the Commerce Department to investigate Secretary Wilbur Ross’ significant investments in a shipping company closely linked to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s inner circle that came to light through the “Paradise Papers.”

Common Cause Commends Introduction of We The People Act by Sen. Udall & Rep. Price

At a time when too many Americans do not think they have a meaningful voice in their democracy, when confidence in our institutions is at historic lows, and cynicism at record highs, this democracy reform package is needed more than ever. These reforms are working at the state level, empowering citizens and breaking down barriers to participation for all Americans, irrespective of political party.

Facebook Campaign Spending Draws FEC Complaints from Common Cause

Today Common Cause filed complaints with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging that Michael Waddell, the host of the hunting show “Bone Collector”, and a Wisconsin businessman made illegal undisclosed independent expenditures in connection with the 2016 and 2020 presidential campaigns of Donald Trump. Additionally, Waddell appears to have made excessive in-kind contributions during the 2016 presidential campaign.

Common Cause, Voters Sue Kris Kobach for Unlawfully Targeting Individual American Citizens Under Cloak of “Advisory Commission”

Common Cause and registered voters from Florida, Texas, and New York, filed a complaint against Kris Kobach, Vice-Chair of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, to halt his unprecedented and unlawful investigation into individual American voters.

Trump ‘Election Integrity’ Commission “Flawed From the Start” Common Cause Report Finds

President Trump’s ‘Election Integrity’ Commission is a flawed vehicle designed to provide cover for outrageous and unsubstantiated claims made by the President as an excuse for why he lost the popular election a new report from Common Cause, “Flawed from the Start,” documents. When compared to other recent high-profile commissions convened to improve our voting and elections process, the Presidential Commission on Election Integrity chaired by Vice President Mike Pence and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach is...



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