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Gerrymander Gazette

Bản tin Gerrymander Gazette của Common Cause cung cấp cho bạn mọi thông tin cần biết về cuộc đấu tranh giành quyền đại diện công bằng đang diễn ra trên khắp Hoa Kỳ.

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Rucho Revisited: 5 điều đáng ghi nhớ trong lễ kỷ niệm 5 năm

Vào kỷ niệm năm năm vụ Rucho kiện Common Cause, chúng tôi xin tóm tắt năm điểm quan trọng nhất rút ra từ phán quyết này, tác động của nó và con đường phía trước.
Common Cause

Hãy nói với Quốc hội: Không ai được đứng trên luật pháp

Phán quyết nguy hiểm về quyền miễn trừ của tổng thống của Tòa án Tối cao đi ngược lại trách nhiệm giải trình, pháp quyền và Hiến pháp của chúng ta.

Quốc hội phải thông qua tu chính án hiến pháp của Dân biểu Morelle để tuyên bố vĩnh viễn rằng không một người Mỹ nào đứng trên luật pháp – ngay cả các cựu tổng thống – và cấm tổng thống tự ân xá cho chính mình.

Arizona Daily Star/InsideSources/Tribune News Service (Op-Ed): The freedom to vote is nonpartisan

It’s time for congressional Republicans to learn from the states, listen to the voters and find their way back to the principle of a government “by the people.” Our generation has a responsibility to add our own chapter to the unfolding story of freedom. It’s beyond time for Senate Republicans to advance the Freedom to Vote Act. If they don’t, Senate Democrats must reform the filibuster to protect our sacred freedom to vote.

Bangor Daily News/Inside Sources (Op-Ed): Protecting our freedoms through the For the People Act

“Nobody’s free until everyone is free,” civil rights hero Fannie Lou Hamer said.

She is right. That’s why on this Fourth of July, it’s time that we, as Americans, hold ourselves up to the values we claim in our founding documents: that all people are created equal and that “We the People” are responsible for building a more perfect union, based on justice, tranquility and liberty. It’s time we build an inclusive democracy, where everyone has a voice, can exercise their freedom to vote, and is able to participate...

Inside Sources/Tribune News Service (Op-Ed): Protecting Our Freedoms Through the For the People Act

It’s fitting to talk about this piece of legislation as we near the 245th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence because the For the People Act is, at its core, about freedom. It’s about our freedom to vote and choose the future we want to see for our families and communities; freedom from wealthy special interests corrupting our politics and setting the agenda; freedom from partisan politicians rigging the rules and gerrymandering maps to benefit themselves; freedom to hold those we put in elected office accountable...

ABC News: ‘Free speech’ social media platform Parler is a hit among Trump supporters, but experts say it won’t last

Similarly, Jesse Littlewood, vice president of campaigns at Common Cause, a nonpartisan watchdog group, told ABC News that some of Facebook's actions have been inefficient.

"I would give them a mixed grade," said Littlewood. "On the one hand, they've been quick on some issues, but I still think they step in after a post has been circulating on the web for a while when damage has already been done and there's already a huge amount of influence."

Inside Sources/Tribune News Service (Op-Ed): Our Freedoms Are Under Attack

Recent headlines, from the January 6th Select Committee’s hearings to the Supreme Court rolling back the right to reproductive healthcare, profoundly implicate the freedom that many will celebrate this Independence Day.

Opponents of democracy — a system that works best when it empowers people to have an equal say in decisions that affect their futures — have waged a well-coordinated attack on it. Freedom must be fortified, it must be protected at the ballot box, and it must never be taken for granted.

Daily Beast: Free Gas Cards Are the GOP’s New Campaign Gimmick—and It’s Legal

“I’ve never seen this before in my decades of Georgia politics,” Dennis told The Daily Beast. “And it’s specifically because of this outward perception of vote-buying.” ...

For voting rights advocates in Georgia—who have spent years fighting state Republican officials’ continuous efforts to further codify voter suppression—the optics of the giveaway struck a freshly exposed nerve.

“I find it a little strange that we have a law that basically says people can’t give out food and water so that...



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