2423 results

Common Cause Urges Sean Spicer to Make White House Accountable to the American People and Allow Cameras Back Into the Daily Press Briefings

Today, Common Cause urged White House communications director Sean Spicer to return to established norms and allow cameras and live audio feeds at daily White House press briefings.

Comey Statement Makes Clear Trump Attempted to Interfere with Russian Investigation

Comey Statement Makes Clear Trump Attempted to Interfere with Russian Investigation

Common Cause Urges Speaker Ryan to Enforce Rep. Nunes Recusal from Russia Investigation

Today, Common Cause urged Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) to enforce House Intelligence Committee Chair Devin Nunes’ recusal from the committee’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election. Nunes recused himself from the investigation after he was accused of disclosing classified information in an attempt to justify false claims by Donald Trump that the Obama Administration had “wiretapped” Trump Tower. But last week Chairman Nunes ignored his recusal and used his power as committee chair to...

Trump Voting Commission a Sham and a Diversion

President Trump’s election integrity commission is a sham and an attempt to distract from the both the Russian attack on the 2016 presidential election and blowback the White House is receiving for firing FBI Director Comey. To launch an election commission at any time on voter fraud would be throwing away resources in a search for mythical creatures – problems that don’t exist – while failing to address the real problems in our elections systems: suppressive tactics. To investigate any election problems at this...

Common Cause IN and NAACP Lawsuit Seeks to End Unequal Access to the Ballot

Common Cause Indiana, the Indiana State Conference of the NAACP and NAACP Branch #3053 filed a federal lawsuit today challenging Marion County policies that give county residents fewer opportunities to vote early than are provided in other Indiana localities.

Stephen Spaulding Returns to Common Cause as Chief of Strategy and External Relations

Common Cause announced today that Stephen Spaulding will be returning to Common Cause in May as Chief of Strategy and External Relations. He departs the Federal Election Commission (FEC) this week after serving as Special Counsel to FEC Commissioner Ann M. Ravel, an outspoken critic of the agency’s dysfunction.

FCC Chairman Pai Abandoning Diversity Advisory Committee

It is unnecessary and harmful for Chairman Pai to replace the FCC's Diversity Advisory Committee, which for years drew on the expertise of diversity experts to generate valuable and vetted proposals to advance important diversity initiatives. Commission leadership from both parties too-often ignored that committee's proposals. But instead of reconstituting that committee and finally acting on its many extant recommendations, Chairman Pai has chosen to ignore it and create a new committee which will take months or longer to organize, meet, and...

Yêu cầu của Ủy ban Giám sát Hạ viện về Tài liệu của Trump là đáng khích lệ nhưng nước Mỹ cần nhiều hơn nữa

Ủy ban Giám sát Hạ viện đã yêu cầu luật sư của Tổng thống Trump cung cấp thông tin liên quan đến "việc thực hiện và thời gian thực hiện các kế hoạch đã công bố của Tổ chức Trump nhằm quyên góp lợi nhuận từ các khoản thanh toán của chính phủ nước ngoài cho Bộ Tài chính Hoa Kỳ". Hiến pháp Hoa Kỳ cấm các viên chức chính phủ nhận thù lao (quà tặng hoặc tiền) từ các chính phủ và viên chức nước ngoài. Tổ chức Trump đã công bố kế hoạch vào tháng 1 nhưng cho đến nay vẫn chưa đưa ra bất kỳ tài liệu hỗ trợ nào.

Victory: Following Complaint, Trump Campaign Changes FEC Filings to Fix False Report

In response to a complaint filed by the Campaign Legal Center (CLC) and Common Cause with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging President Trump’s campaign was attempting to violate the contribution limits for his 2020 reelection, the latest campaign finance reports show the Trump campaign has redesignated thousands of entries to count against the contributor’s 2020 election limits and not, as originally reported, for the 2016 election.

In Their Own Words: Common Cause Members on Why They are Attending Tax Day March to Demand Trump Tax Returns

Common Cause members will be joining Tax Marches from coast to coast on Saturday to demand that President Donald Trump release his taxes. Tens of thousands of Americans are expected to attend more than 100 marches taking place across the country to express their outrage that the President refuses to release his taxes after promising repeatedly on the campaign trail to make them public. Every U.S. President since the 1960s, including Richard Nixon, has released their tax returns and none has had conflicts anything like Trump’s with his...



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