2425 results

Common Cause ca ngợi động thái của FCC nhằm củng cố phương tiện truyền thông địa phương, độc lập

Ủy ban Truyền thông Liên bang đã có bước đi đáng hoan nghênh nhằm củng cố các phương tiện truyền thông độc lập do địa phương sở hữu, ban hành các quy tắc mới bắt đầu đóng các lỗ hổng mà các đài truyền hình đã sử dụng để cắt giảm chi phí và tăng lợi nhuận bằng cách kết hợp phòng tin tức và các hoạt động khác, Common Cause cho biết hôm thứ Hai.

Common Cause Mourns Passing of National Board Member Butler Derrick

Common Cause Praises IRS Plan to Re-draft Rules on Political Activity by Social Welfare Groups

We're pleased that the IRS is committed to clarifying the rules for candidate-related political activity by social welfare organizations. Revisions to the originally proposed rules were certainly in order and so we view today’s development as a positive step

Common Cause Statement on House Passage of HR 3865, to Preserve the Social Welfare Tax Loophole for Political Non-Profit Groups

Today's vote continues a shameless, partisan-inspired campaign on behalf of secrecy and deception in politics and government. We urge the Senate to stop it.

Common Cause Statement on Introduction of the Fair Elections Now Act

Today's introduction of the Fair Elections Now Act invites senators to declare their independence from big money campaign donors and refocus their attention on the everyday folks who elected them.

Common Cause Statement on Introduction of the Government by the People Act

"Giant corporations, special interests and ultra-wealthy donors shout through big-money megaphones to drown out the voices of hardworking Americans in the political process," said Karen Hobert Flynn, senior vice president for strategy and programs at Common Cause.

Common Cause Statement on the State of the Union Message

President Obama has another chance tonight to embrace and advance the promise that propelled him to the White House, the promise to change Washington. We urge him to seize it.

Common Cause Urges FCC to Reclassify Broadband and Protect Open Internet

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) should provide consumers the maximum protection possible by reclassifying broadband as a telecommunications service, Common Cause said Wednesday.

Quốc hội, Tổng thống phải thành lập Ủy ban hỗ trợ bầu cử

Quốc hội và Tổng thống Obama nên nhanh chóng làm việc để bổ sung nhân sự đầy đủ cho Ủy ban Hỗ trợ Bầu cử liên bang (EAC), một hội đồng lưỡng đảng đã hoạt động 12 năm nay được thành lập để giúp các tiểu bang đáp ứng các tiêu chuẩn tự nguyện trong việc quản lý bầu cử, Common Cause cho biết hôm nay.

Copps Urges Caution as Lawmakers Weigh Communications Act Overhaul

Congress should be wary of plans to overhaul the 18-year-old federal law governing broadcasters and telecommunications companies and should focus first on making the existing law work as its authors intended, former Federal Communications Commission member Michael Copps said today.



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