2425 results

Gerrymander Gazette: Cập nhật về vụ Common Cause v. Trump

Dispelling Common Voting Disinformation Narratives

Mis and disinformation is everywhere this election, make sure you have the right tools and resources on your side as you get ready to vote.

Common Cause and Oregon Redistricting Reform Allies File Federal Lawsuit

People Not Politicians Oregon v. Clarno challenges Oregon's failure to adjust signature-gathering requirements for ballot initiative campaigns in light of the COVID-19 pandemic

Where Do Protections Start and Our Rights End When it Comes to the Government and COVID-19?

Earth Day: 50 Years of Being In Common Cause With Our Environment

Earth Day and Common Cause turn 50 in 2020 and share more than an anniversary -- a deep and abiding commitment to public policy in the common good.

Ross Trudeau Honors 50 Years of Common Cause with “Write-In Democracy” Puzzle

This puzzle was created for Common Cause members as we celebrate the past, focus on the present, and plan 50 more years of protecting democracy. Scroll down and solve the clues to get the answers to the Write-in Democracy puzzle.

Socially Distant, Politically Powerful: Competence Matters

Virginia House of Delegates should take final step and send Redistricting Commission Amendment to Voters

Virginia voters may soon have an opportunity to adopt redistricting reform.
The House of Delegates is considering final approval of a proposed state Constitutional amendment, which would create a bipartisan Redistricting Commission.

Common Cause Participates In Historic #NotAboveTheLaw Events Across The Country

Remarks by Common Cause President Karen Hobert Flynn on the impeachment of President Donald Trump

On December 18, 2019, Common Cause President Karen Hobert Flynn joined a bipartisan event outside of Congress to call for the impeachment of President Donald Trump. Below are her prepared remarks.



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