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8 times Jon Stewart was at his greatest

With Jon Stewart leaving The Daily Show, we're all losing an important voice. Here are 8 times Jon Stewart was at his greatest.

Top Five Takeaways From the Latest “John Doe” Documents in Walker Probe

Newly released documents suggest Gov. Scott Walker was coordinating campaign activity with a purportedly independent group, perhaps violating state law

MEDIAite: 'Bắt đầu viết': Xem tin nhắn Cohen gửi Maggie Haberman từ lời khai tại phiên tòa xét xử Trump gây chấn động

Từ: 0114 Michael Cohen (chủ sở hữu) Đến: 4978 Maggie Haberman Đến: 4978 Maggie Haberman

“Vào cuối tháng 1 năm 2018, tôi đã nhận được một bản sao khiếu nại được nộp lên Ủy ban Bầu cử Liên bang (FEC) do Common Cause đệ trình. Khiếu nại cáo buộc rằng bằng cách nào đó tôi đã vi phạm luật tài chính chiến dịch bằng cách tạo điều kiện cho một khoản đóng góp quá mức, bằng hiện vật. Các cáo buộc trong khiếu nại không có cơ sở thực tế và không có giá trị pháp lý, và luật sư của tôi đã gửi phản hồi tới FEC. Tôi là cố vấn đặc biệt lâu năm của ông Trump và tôi đã tự hào phục vụ trong...

VoteBeat/AZ Mirror: Three seconds to spot fraud? Testing Arizona’s ballot signature checking process.

The potential change in process to come from this lawsuit worries Jenny Guzman, the program director for Common Cause Arizona, which advocates for voter rights. The organization isn’t sure signature verification is the best way to verify a ballot, but wants to make sure that officials have a large database to work from if this is the method they are using, she told me. Officials should also be attempting to contact voters whose signature is being questioned, Guzman said, which happens in Arizona under state law but doesn’t happen in every...

Washington Post: Ohio’s GOP supermajority tests limits of democracy before abortion vote

“This was about playing games with an election, not about playing around with the language that goes directly into the Ohio Constitution,” said Catherine Turcer, the executive director of Common Cause Ohio and a member of the Ohio Voter Rights Coalition’s steering committee.

The Guardian: Rightwing group behind regressive US state laws to face protest at DC gala

“The model bills sound like they are protecting our country but are actually designed to protect corporate interests. We have to shine a light on this,” said Viki Harrison from Common Cause, a group which for years has pushed corporations to break ties with Alec over the racist impact of its legislation.

The Guardian: Trump’s latest indictment finally holds him to account for 2020 election plot

Aunna Dennis, executive director of the watchdog group Common Cause Georgia, said Trump’s expected indictment in Fulton county “validates the concerns of folks who don’t want the elections to be interfered with”.

“Even if you are in the highest seat in the country, that does not mean you can trample or mislead or manipulate the voices of voters and the voices of communities,” Dennis said. “We are not a fascist society. We are not an authoritarian society here. That’s not how our democracy works.”

Miami Herald/CQ-Roll Call: Asking Clarence Thomas to testify in Senate could spark a showdown

Common Cause sent a letter Tuesday to the Senate Judiciary Committee asking them have Thomas testify and “put it on the record for the American people,” as well as have Roberts testify. “The U.S. Supreme Court has repeatedly proven itself incapable of policing itself without a code of ethics,” Common Cause co-president Marilyn Carpinteyro said in a news release. “It is time for Congress to hold hearings and pass legislation to establish a code of ethics for Supreme Court Justices to hold them to the same standards as every other...

Bloomberg: Vụ án tham nhũng lịch sử của Ohio thử thách giới hạn của Citizens United

“Chúng tôi đã hợp pháp hóa hối lộ trong hệ thống tài chính chiến dịch của mình,” Catherine Turcer, giám đốc điều hành của Common Cause Ohio và là người ủng hộ lâu năm của Ohio về tài chính chiến dịch và cải cách chính phủ, cho biết. “Vụ án này chứng minh rằng về cơ bản chúng tôi đã tạo điều kiện để người dân Ohio bị lợi dụng. Và họ đã bị lợi dụng.”

Washington Post: Trump called a protest. No one showed. Why GOP efforts to cry foul fizzled this time.

“Sometimes, with tactics like this, the story is the intimidation,” Suzanne Almeida, director of state operations for the watchdog group Common Cause. “It’s about making a movement seem bigger than it is … making a fringe idea feel very mainstream, and like it’s everywhere.”



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