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7 điều cần biết về Đạo luật Quyền bầu cử của Connecticut

Trump Tried to Force Justice Department to Support His Lies to Overturn 2020 Election  

Donald Trump knew he lost the 2020 election, but he did not want to leave the White House and admit his loss publicly so he lied. He lied and he repeatedly tried to force the U.S. Department of Justice to back up those lies and “leave the rest to him.” He was asking his handpicked senior DOJ officials to participate in a criminal conspiracy orchestrated by Trump and his henchmen that at its heart was nothing short of a coup to illegally seize power and overturn the will and the vote of the American people.

LIÊN KẾT VIDEO & TRÍCH DẪN từ Buổi họp báo hôm nay: Con đường phía trước cho Quyền bỏ phiếu tại các tiểu bang

Hôm nay, các chuyên gia phân chia lại khu vực bầu cử từ Common Cause và Southern Coalition for Social Justice đã tóm tắt với giới truyền thông về những chiến thắng ở cấp tiểu bang trong cuộc chiến bảo đảm bản đồ công bằng và bảo vệ quyền bỏ phiếu.

McCarthy & Republican Leaders Embrace Marjorie Taylor Greene & Anti-Democracy Forces

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and the House Republican Conference had a simple choice. They could side with democracy and common decency, or they could embrace racism, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, anti-immigrant, hate, violence, and the untethered conspiracy theories spewed by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA). McCarthy and his cohorts should have been voting to expel Rep. Greene from Congress altogether, but instead they refused to even strip her of her committee assignments as the conference once did with former Rep. Steve...

Trump’s Failed Presidency Stays True to Form Right to the End

The nation deserved far better than Donald Trump in the White House these last four, very long years. In his final day as President, Donald Trump only continued to show his disregard for our democratic process. Overnight, he pardoned a laundry list of corrupt and convicted politicians, political fundraisers, and rich private citizens, along with still more of his inner circle. The number of Trump’s close political advisers who have been pardoned is staggering. They all join the parade of disgraced Americans and war criminals who were earlier...

Senate Republicans Kill Measure to Require Reporting of Foreign Election Assistance Offers & Back Trump’s Excuses on Russia Bounties

Yesterday, Senate Republicans removed a measure from the intelligence bill that would have required presidential campaigns to report attempts or offers of foreign election interference to federal authorities and then defended President Trump’s excuses and refusal to act on U.S. intelligence reports that Russia has been paying bounties to Taliban militants to kill U.S. Troops. The so called “Duty to report” provision on foreign election interference, was passed by the Senate Intelligence Committee with bipartisan support in June but was...

Formal Impeachment Inquiry Necessitated by Escalating Abuse of Office by President Trump

The escalating abuse of presidential powers and continued stonewalling by the White House have necessitated the launch of a formal impeachment inquiry by the House of Representatives and Common Cause continues to support such an investigation. Americans deserve to know the truth whether President Trump has committed high crimes and misdemeanors, as well as abuses of power. And as Americans we deserve the system of co-equal branches of government enshrined in the United States Constitution. A formal impeachment investigation is required to...

Whether He Resigned or was Forced Out Scott Pruitt Needed to Go

Whether Scott Pruitt resigned or was forced out, he had repeatedly shown himself unworthy of the office and he had to go. Pruitt's tenure has been a long, unbroken string of ethical lapses, maladministration, and relentless attacks on the environment he was charged with protecting. A cascade of investigations into his abuse of taxpayer funds, hiding his schedule, sweetheart apartment lease deals, and first-class flights made a mockery of public service. This partial litany of his scandals -- unearthed by environmental groups, watchdogs, and...

Tuyên truyền cưỡng bức của Sinclair Broadcasting đưa ra thêm một lý do nữa khiến FCC nên từ chối mua Tribune Media

Tuyên bố của Michael Copps, cựu Ủy viên FCC & Cố vấn đặc biệt về mục đích chung

Kế hoạch mới nhất của Sinclair nhằm buộc các đài địa phương của mình phát sóng các phân đoạn phải phát sóng chỉ trích các hãng tin tức khác là một ví dụ khác về việc công ty che giấu nội dung biên tập của mình với các đài truyền hình địa phương đáng tin cậy. Dòng tweet của Tổng thống Trump bác bỏ sự phản đối đối với việc Sinclair phá hoại tin tức địa phương cho thấy các phương tiện truyền thông lớn sử dụng tiền bạc và quyền lực của mình để gây ảnh hưởng đến các quan chức được bầu của chúng ta như thế nào.

Donald Trump Jr. E-mails Are Smoking Gun Confirming Illegal Solicitation from Foreign National

If these e-mails are not a hoax, they are the smoking gun showing that Donald Trump Jr. illegally solicited a contribution from a foreign national—in the form of opposition research against Hillary Clinton—as our complaints yesterday alleged.



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